Step into a world where art and technology converge in the most extraordinary way.

'The Magic of Giotto' is a pioneering exhibition that invites you to experience the timeless masterpiece, Cappella degli Scrovegni by Giotto, like never before through the captivating realm of Mixed Reality.


The Exhibition

Dive into the world of Giotto with visual and textual content about the Italian master and the context in which his art took place. Use the official app to complete the experience with dedicated multimedia.

The Immersive Experience

Wear your Mixed Reality headset and be transported directly into the Scrovegni Chapel. Observe the magnificent masterpiece and its intricate details as if you were truly there.



The magic of Giotto is born from the collaboration of the Italian Cultural Institute of New York, the Musei Civici of the city of Padua, and Hidonix, a deep tech company specializing in extended reality, artificial, and spatial intelligence.

This collaboration aims to promote the art of Giotto overseas, demonstrating his influence in Italian and international pre-renaissance art scenes. Through the innovative use of Mixed Reality, the exhibition "The Magic of Giotto" presents a groundbreaking opportunity for art enthusiasts and technology aficionados alike to delve into the intricate beauty of Giotto's masterpieces, offering a unique perspective on the evolution of artistic expression from the 14th century to the present day.

With a focus on accessibility and interactivity, this collaborative endeavor represents a significant leap forward in the intersection of cultural heritage and cutting-edge technology, underscoring Giotto's enduring legacy in the annals of art history.